
Capel Costume

Karol Capel is a young boy who wields a giant hammer and various other large weapons. Having grown up in Dahngrest, the home to many of the world's Guilds, Karol knows a lot about the functioning and culture of Guilds. Despite the fact that he acts with a lot of bravado, Karol lacks self-confidence, which leaves him rather cowardly in terms of actions. Due to this cowardice, Karol is repeatedly mocked in Dahngrest for joining and being kicked out of many different Guilds.

My brother like Capel Costume very much!


P ko Cosplay from Arakawa Under the Bridge

A young red-haired girl who grows vegetables for the village. The epitome of a klutzy girl, she is literally dangerously clumsy, often turning what should be a simple accident into a massive disaster. Despite an allusion to mishaps, P-ko is still intent on getting a drivers license so that she can travel further during Winter to gather seeds. That is P ko!P ko Cosplay for you.